I’m Jennifer Brinkmeyer, educator and co-conspirator at Freed Reading, where we teach students to commit rebellious acts of literacy, to defy the labels and preconceived notions that outsiders have placed on them that do not reflect their truest selves. The only labels on students around these parts are capable. Creative. Determined. Valuable. We cheer them and each other on as we grow as readers, writers, and thinkers in this crazy world.
A bit about me:
I’m a K-12 reading specialist who loves chatting with my teacher-wife on a walk or on the back porch (wine, please!),
a horror votary and an improvisation coach,
an OG Book Love Foundation grant-winner who brews the best apple cider in town.
My favorite person in the entire world calls me, “Mama.”
Freed Reading yearns for literacy justice. By providing secondary language arts and reading teachers with reading, writing, and discussion supports, we can let all students soar.
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