Professional Reading for Teachers
These titles are not new, but it takes me awhile to get through my professional TBR pile as I prefer to go slow and focus on fewer titles. Do you!
Literacy is Liberation by Dr. Kimberly Parker
First, I am so excited to read Literacy is Liberation. Dr. Parker and I know each other through the Book Love Foundation, of which we were both grant recipients. She is such a thought leader in our discipline. We agree that literacy is about social justice–I can’t wait for her to push me on how to enact that justice.
Cultivating Genius by Dr. Gholdy Muhammad
I purchased this book in 2020 (ack! I know!) and now there’s a companion text out called Unearthing Joy. Excited to read both of these because I love a framework that celebrates students assets, agency, and joy. These are what I’m building my teaching around next year (stay tuned).
Visible Learning for Literacy by Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey
Okay, I know these authors have written tons of books and this is an oldie, but I still want to read this aggregation of literacy research. I’m always looking for touchpoints as well as reminders of what works.
Professional Reading for Teachers
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